胡戎 2008年6月29日星期日
A Never-awaken Dream
The art of Chai Xiaohua is the miraculous transformation between objects and mind…appears so real,but fanciful too,like a never-awaken dream.
Chai Xiaohua's distinctive style in painting was formed as early as the period when he was a diligent painter pursuiting perfection in the Winter Palace Paiter's Village. The painstaking efforts,in the same way a caterpillar metamorphosed into a butterfly,turned him from an unknown one into a famous fine painter.
Chai Xiaohua’s recent works are sentimental,which remind us of a line of verse ‘Troubled by the times--flowers bring tears,and dreading parting--birds startle the soul’. He spreaded creative expressions on canvases,together with the hints of his emotions and realistic life. We can feel a slight touch of desolation in his works. Profit from merging everything on earth into his soul,he makes his works tend to instinctive,expressive and indicative. And in return,he dedicates his passion to this world inside out,creates for the world the works that are not lacking in flesh and blood.
Chai Xiaohua, abstract language of art is spoken by symbols,lines,color and composition. Whichsoever,it not only incarnates the modern concepts but the oriental culture trait and the spirit of humanity as well. They are likely to be perceived by the masses. The works are actually his interior monologue full of solicitudes. By interpreting the theme of the modern artistic creations with his own instinct and taste he shows an artist’s attention to the humanistic ideology of our society.
The consciousness of space in the contemporary era is an energy field created by pure vision and perceptivity. It is also a key element in the making of abstract works of art.. As viewed from the traditional art approach it is quite hard to apprehend the consciousness of space of the time. With the individuality and having various emotional attachments,consequentially artists‘ consciousness of space are not the same. One of the Chai Xiaohua’s work Space vs Quantum was catalyzed purely by his own mood. By transforming objects into a souled world with his aesthetic consciousness of space,the artist brought about the naissance of the spaces in his work.
The abstract expressionism is no longer farfetched,obscure or being appraised as a western-born exotic thing. It has been coming into people‘s notice ever since the new wave of 1985 that the abstract expressionism has a stronger disposition to restore ancient ways,and has more nostalgic affectionateness. As far as the aesthetic is concerned,the abstract expressionism and the age-old oriental art come down in one continuous line.
For Chai Xiaohua’s works,we must calmly accept the inevitable,that is,the extreme personal consciousness arising from the eastern culture sedimentation. A painter who seemly predisposes to schizophrenia believes that Muse is out there favoring him. In this very interesting situation,how can his dream be wakened?
Original in Chinese by Hu Rong 29/6/08
Translated into English by Alan Lam 13/5/10
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